Progressive Liberals can step up if they choose to – Sydney Morning Herald

I know he has more spin than a whirling dervish but just how gullible does Scott Morrison think the Australian population is? Several weeks ago, he was telling us Anthony Albanese was pretending to be something that he wasnt. Morrison also told us that, with him, what you see is what you get. Now, days before the election, he tells us that his current bulldozer persona will be shelved and that a new Scott Morrison will emerge after the election, like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis. John Gray, Belrose

If synchronised eye-rolling and head-shaking existed as an international sport, Australias female voters would be its world champions after hearing a powerful middle-aged man desperately promising to change his rusted-on modus operandi after the election. Sue Dyer, Downer (ACT)

Thanks for your honesty, Scotty. Bulldozers are useful on landfill tips and for knocking down native vegetation. Not much use in parliament. Vann Cremer, Auburn

The prime ministers change of approach seems desperate. He must know his goose is cooked. Unlike his chook. Scott Poynting, Newtown

I wonder which campaign focus group has advised the PM to admit to being a bulldozer politician who will change his tactics and be more conciliatory? Was it the fourth estate, the opinion polls, worried cabinet members or the National Party, the developing cracks in the mirror on the wall or more advice from Jen? Whatever the reason, someone should let him/them know that a born again politician is an Australian furphy. Graham Tooth, Kings Point

Sorry, Mr Morrison. Changing the way you and your government do things isnt related to the times we are in as much as the skin you inhabit. Your tin ear, your bombastic outbursts and your cynical machinations are infamous nationally and on the worlds stage. Cleveland Rose, Dee Why

From bulldozer to feather-duster in one week? Brett Evans, Hunters Hill

Scott Morrison has managed to annoy the electorate in many ways, but one of his most heinous acts must be his deliberate failure to inform the Opposition leader about AUKUS (Labor not told of Bidens bipartisan demand for AUKUS, May 14). He apparently ignored a request by the US that both political parties be informed of the prospective submarine deal. Why did he then ignore this requirement? Bad manners? Spite? Basic lack of integrity? Nola Tucker, Kiama

Peter Hartcher outlines the extreme secrecy around the AUKUS deal. But can someone please explain why secrecy was needed about a deal that was publicly announced a short time later, commits unprecedented amounts of our money and will affect generations of Australians? Isnt that the kind of decision that should be debated in parliament? Alexandra Barratt, Glebe

I thought that we were governed by a parliamentary democracy, and this requires honest communication between parties. There are, and have been, major international implications (ie, with France) for Australia following this decision. All for a gotcha moment in Scott Morrison re-election campaign? Joy Pegler, Picnic Point

It now emerges that Scott Morrison was deceitful over the submarine deal and AUKUS. In my opinion, anyone who is now aware of this latest information and continues to support him is complicit in his abuse of power. Graham Lum, North Rocks

The clear winner in the debate between Marise Payne and Penny Wong was civil discourse (The Coalition is losing the debate on national security and China, May 14). While there were political points of difference, these were papered over by a shared sense of optimism. Missing was the macho type of schoolyard male brawling that delivered all heat but no light. This one debate demonstrated that ideological adversaries can express their views without belittling or shirt-fronting their opponent. Trevor Somerville, Illawong

If anyone doubted the effectiveness of drug law reform they should look to Portugal (Letters, May 14). All drugs were decriminalised in 2000. Drug-induced deaths plummeted, HIV infection dropped and drug use has declined among 15-24 year olds, those most at risk of initiating drug use. If we follow Portugal, our courts and jails will be less crowded and the drug barons will be unemployed. Decriminalisation is worth trying now as nothing else is working. Lindsay Somerville, Lindfield

Your correspondent (Letters, May 14) gives us a telling list of ScoMos misdeeds. I would add his tirade against Christine Holgate under the protection of parliamentary privilege as being the most pertinent indication that he is unsuitable for any management position anywhere. A reflection of the mans character. This outburst alone is reason not to vote for him. Gary Hare, Narrabeen

Fitz and I are normally on opposite ends of the spectrum over issues, but I must praise his outstanding tirade against our morally bereft great white shark. Fitzs Saturday column (Greg, you and your Saudi support are a disgrace, May 14) said it all, but why are other more powerful Australian and indeed world figures not bringing Greg Norman into line over this breakaway golf tour. Phil Johnson, Dee Why

I dont always agree with Peter FitzSimons criticism of Greg Norman, but this time he is absolutely spot-on. How can any sane person think a planned assassination is just a mistake? I think Greg Norman may have been out in the sun just a little too long. Peter Miniutti, Ashbury

The chaos in emergency departments has never been worse in my 50 years as a doctor, but there is silence from the major parties on health (Not enough beds: Eds ambulances in strife, May 14). The sharp end should be on restoring to 50 per cent the Commonwealth contribution to funding of the state-run public hospital system. The ALP is committed to covering 50 per cent of the growth but not to moving the base from below 45 per cent. The Coalition has committed to neither. At 50:50, there will sufficient beds to allow ED to clear and ambulances to get back on the road. It will end the unconscionable inequity between private and public access to timely specialist care, either for essential elective surgery or for out-patient medical consultation for serious, chronic and complex diseases. Chaos and inequity are curable, but it may take the balance-of-power teal independents, two of whom are outstanding mid-career doctors, to write the script. Graeme Stewart, Palm Beach

Your correspondent (Letters, May 14) is predicting the future by extending the trends of the past. We now know that living standards must improve in developing countries and for disadvantaged Australians at the same time as a reduction in net consumption. Scientists and engineers around the world are developing the circular economy which can reverse many previous trends, emissions reduction being at the top of a long list. Any leader suggesting we should revert to where we were before COVID is taking us down the wrong path. David Hind, Neutral Bay

Vote Labor to ensure the Murugappan family can return safely to their home in Biloela. Dont let them down. Judy Copeland, Willoughby

Could Scott Morrisons new-found empathy please extend to immediately releasing the traumatised Murugappan family back to Biloela? Vicky Marquis, Glebe

Richard Glovers musing on literature in the modern era (Banning books is a bloody terrible idea, May 14) was spot-on. The titles he mentioned immediately summoned up those gems from the past. As a retired teacher, I would like to know how the modern cohort can extract the fine details of human interaction from the type of books which seem to be the modern trend. Carolyn Van der Veen, Bonny Hills

Your correspondent (Letters, May 14) wishes for a Scott-free Australia next Sunday. We respectfully ask him to modify his desire ScoMo-free perhaps? The Scotts (Peter & Jean), Killcare

Bravo, Con Vaitsas (Letters, May 14). Seppo Ranki, Glenhaven

The digital viewOnline comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on

Politicians pay has gone up by a third in a decade, but a wage rise in line with inflation is too much?

From djc789: The Liberal Party need a term or two on the opposition benches to come to grips with the reality of an electorate that is in danger of becoming increasingly divided. The major issues that need resolving centre on social equity as Australia drifts towards a nation where the minority rich are getting richer and the rapidly increasing majority of poor are getting poorer. (Shades of the USA?) Drifting further to the right will see the Libs become totally irrelevant.

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Progressive Liberals can step up if they choose to - Sydney Morning Herald

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