SA election: Liberals reveal election promise costings nearing eve of South Australian poll

Less than two days from when polling booths open, the Liberals have unveiled their South Australian election costings.

The party says there is $605 million in new spending over the next three years, offset by an estimated $685 million in savings.

The Liberals have promised to post a $252 million surplus in the 2015-16 financial year.

Labor has pledged to achieve a surplus in the same period.

Liberal treasury spokesman Iain Evans says he does not believe it is possible to get the state budget back into the black any quicker.

"We think our savings are prudent. They're reasonable and they're across the right time frame, so we think that '15-16 is the right year. That's what we're budgeting for," he told reporters.

The Liberals would cut nearly $50 million from Labor's jobs plan set up to deal with the impending Holden closure and scrap a renewable energy program for households.

The bulk of the savings would be delivered through more public service job cuts but Mr Evans insists a reduction cap of 5,170 will not be breached.

The costings cover the Liberals' first three years of promises, while Labor's cover a full four-year term.

"If you reveal four years of costs you're going to have to reveal four years of cuts, so it's a ploy just to minimise the cuts and a fairly transparent one," said Premier and Treasurer Jay Weatherill.

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SA election: Liberals reveal election promise costings nearing eve of South Australian poll

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