‘Study’ finds fewer children would help climate change liberals … – Washington Examiner

It's not uncommon for liberals to applaud abortion rights; it's less unusual for them to straight-up advocate a kind of soft eugenics in order to improve, of all things, climate change. This is not only authoritarian and immoral but a natural extension of being fanatically pro-choice.

Liberals are applauding the study cited in this Guardian piece, originally published in Environmental Research Letters, which finds that "the greatest impact individuals can have in fighting climate change is to have one fewer child, according to a new study that identifies the most effective ways people can cut their carbon emissions."

Vocal pro-choice proponent and feminist Jill Filipovic approves those suggestions and took it a step further, revealing an inside look at how many of her peers feel about where children rank on the scale of importance, next to the all-consuming, scientifically-proven armageddon of the future: climate change.

The study also found that, while having fewer kids could also somehow help the planet fight its own demise, "there are other things, like "selling your car, avoiding long flights, and eating a vegetarian diet." Not only do scientists fail to agree climate change poses an imminent threat to the world 40 percent doubt man-made global warming but notice a difference in the scale of important things people can do to lessen climate change? One has to do with mostly material stuff, and the other is about procreating a human.

For liberals who are vocal about the right of women to abort their own growing, unborn babies, it stands to reason the same group would applaud the concept of merely avoiding having babies altogether, or at least family planning, for the environment's sake.

Children are not only a gift, but a boon one of those babies might actually become the person who cures cancer or invents the newest Apple-like product. I wouldn't expect a group who rallies for eugenics and abortion to understand that.

Nicole Russell is a contributor to the Washington Examiner's Beltway Confidential blog. She is a journalist in Washington, D.C., who previously worked in Republican politics in Minnesota. She was the 2010 recipient of the American Spectator's Young Journalist Award.

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'Study' finds fewer children would help climate change liberals ... - Washington Examiner

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