SuperFlashback: When abortion-defending liberals freaked out about ad featuring Tim Tebows proud mom – Washington Examiner

Tim Tebows mother contracted amoebic dysentery while she was pregnant with her son. Doctors advised an abortion. She refused. Tim was born, turned into a great son, and won a Heisman Trophy. She is very grateful that she made that choice, and that he survived.

When it became known Pam Tebow would star in a 2010 Super Bowl ad sponsored by the socially conservative Focus on the Family, abortion-defending liberals lost their minds.

Matt Yglesias at the Center for American Progress griped not only that Tebow would alienate fans, but also that his Mom had succumbed to invalid reasoning in not aborting Tim. Later, Yglesias called the ad Tim Tebows forced pregnancy advocacy.

Lots of womens groups called on CBS to cancel the ad.

The ad featured Pam Tebow discussing how important family is and how lucky she is to have her son.

You would have thought the furor would disappear after the ad aired and everyone realized it wasnt lobbying to outlaw abortion.

Nope. Terry ONeill, president of the National Organization of Women, still decried the ads anti-abortion message, although finding that offense to be lesser than its apparent justification of violence against women.

Set aside the humorlessness of that reaction. The fact that NOWs president saw the ad as anti-abortion was tellingand true. Despite zero mentions of abortion, the ad was an anti-abortion message.

Celebrating Tebows birth and his life, instead of arguing that a more reasonable mother would have killed him, is condemning abortion. Its saying that choosing life is better than choosing death.

This unnerves NOW and the abortion lobby. It ought to.

Timothy P. Carney, The Washington Examiners commentary editor, can be contacted at [emailprotected]. His column appears Tuesdaynights on

See the article here:
SuperFlashback: When abortion-defending liberals freaked out about ad featuring Tim Tebows proud mom - Washington Examiner

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