Tasmanian Liberals poised to win state election

By Andrew DarbyMarch 14, 2014, 6:08 a.m.

Tasmanian Liberal leader Will Hodgman is closing on majority government at Saturday's election after 16 years in opposition, as the electorate turns away from Labor Premier Lara Giddings.

Tasmanian Liberal leader Will Hodgman is closing on majority government at Saturday's election after 16 years in opposition, as the electorate turns away from Labor Premier Lara Giddings.

Polling by EMRS and ReachTEL over the past two months consistently showed a likely Liberal majority in the 25-seat House of Assembly.

The latest Newspoll result released on Thursday had the Liberals on 53 per cent statewide.

Tasmania's front-running Liberals are said to have copied their first post-election priority in government directly from the playbook of Queensland LNP Premier Campbell Newman.

But the copycat policy is emerging as a test of Mr Hodgman's credentials after the campaign was marked by sustained attacks from Labor and Greens over his ability to stand up for the state.

Mr Hodgman's First 100 Days Implementation Plan copies the Queensland Premier's First 100 Days Action Plan in form - and in its most crucial commitment.

Mr Newman promised in 2012 on the first day ''to issue a whole-of-government 4 per cent unemployment target as the underpinning principle of policy''.

Mr Hodgman promised in the first week to ''issue a whole-of-government directive to make reducing the unemployment rate to the national average the government's number one priority''.

See original here:

Tasmanian Liberals poised to win state election

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