This Is the Future That Liberals Want – New York Magazine

Ad will collapse in seconds CLOSE March 2, 2017 03/02/2017 2:38 p.m. By Brian Feldman


As hyperpartisanship continues to divide this great nation, continual protests against the current Trump administration have given rise to one question, what do liberals actually want? Ever since the Occupy movement, casting liberal grievance as unfocused and misguided has been a stable tactic of the right. How, it goes, can we give liberals what they want if they dont even know?

And even when those wishes are clearly articulated, theyre used to scare people into opposition. Shortly before the election, former congressman Joe Walsh warned that, If you want a country with 63 different genders, vote Hillary. This week, Attorney General Jeff Sessions spoke of the uncertain effects of marijuana being sold at every corner grocery store. Either of these possibilities a country with 63 genders and marijuana for sale at Publix would likely elicit a robust hell yeah from left-leaning citizens. Both of them together would be liberal heaven.

Yesterday, the alt-right /pol/ News Network, which takes its name from the 4chan message board, identified another liberal demand.

Yes, ghastly liberals would love to see two people with different conceptions of the good existing side-by-side on well-funded public transit.

What else do liberals want? Liberals have offered up some ideas.

How Danny DeVito Accidentally Created the Defining Meme of the Trump Presidency

This Is the Future That Liberals Want

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Gender neutral restrooms are accessible to persons of any gender and are a locking, single-stall bathroom.

Peter lingers in the shadows.

Another day, another Twitter gaffe from the Trump administration.

According to a new report from the New York Times, the company used secret software to make sure local officials couldnt get Uber rides.

Thanks to increased infrastructure centralization, the internet is five hours of Amazon downtime away from anarchy.

Everything you need to know to understand those cowboy-hat memes that are taking over your Twitter feed.

New flagship smartphones, throwback dumbphones, and the possibility of not having to suffer under your current internet provider.

Uber fares have changed significantly over the years, and drivers are feeling the effects.

How terrible.

Spicer meant to announce Ben Carsons confirmation, but his tweet said otherwise.

Its hard to think outside the box when you dont own the box.

Danny DeVito, never retire b*tch.

Snapchat is going public today.

Twice this week, Amazons considerable strength was made apparent.

The debacle happened while trying to create content for National Gun Violence Awareness Day.

If youve been waiting to dip your toe into VR.

Does Garfield have a gender at all?

For printing labels, photos, or documents theres even a portable one.

Dont expect Mario.

Twitter rolled out several new safety features today, including muting accounts without verified emails or profile pictures.

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This Is the Future That Liberals Want - New York Magazine

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