Today in Conservative Media: Are the Liberals Ever Going to Admit They Have a Racist Past Too? – Slate Magazine (blog)

A statue of Confederate commanding general Robert E. Lee is seen in the crypt of the US Capitol in Washington, DC on August 24, 2017.

AFP/Getty Images

A daily roundup of the biggest stories in right-wing media.

The monuments debate dominated conservative discourse on Thursday. At National Review, Victor Davis Hanson argued that liberals are unwilling to take down monuments to their racist historical figures:

Liberal icon and Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren pushed for the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II while he was Californias attorney general. President Woodrow Wilson ensured that the Armed Forces were not integrated. He also segregated civil-service agencies.

Why, then, does Princeton University still cling to its Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs? To honor a progressive who did a great deal of harm to African-American causes? ...

At the Daily Caller, Rob Shimshock reported that a Canadian teachers union would like to remove the name of Canadas first prime minister from Ontario schools:

The Blazes Jon Street noted that former U.N. ambassador Andrew Youngs opposition to removing Confederate monuments, which he articulated in interviews with CNNs Anderson Cooper and NBCs Chuck Todd, telling the latter that Klan supporters of Confederate monuments are almost the poorest of the poor. Youngs argument for why Confederate monuments should stay in place echo the argument that President Donald Trump made throughout the 2016 campaign, which was that the forgotten man and forgotten woman in the West Virginia coal mines or the Michigan factory would be forgotten no more, Street wrote.

Multiple outlets ran posts on a New York Times article reporting that Hispanic and black students are more underrepresented at elite colleges now than they were 35 years ago. The NYT found that black students only made up 9 percent of freshman students, while Hispanic students represented 15 percent of students at Ivy League Schools, the Daily Callers Amber Randall wrote. White students enrollment also went down, while the percent of Asian-American students on the Ivy League campuses increased slightly. National Reviews David French:

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Today in Conservative Media: Are the Liberals Ever Going to Admit They Have a Racist Past Too? - Slate Magazine (blog)

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