WA election: Colin Barnett says the Liberals can still win as polls tip a Labor victory – The Australian Financial Review

Projecting optimism, WA Premier Colin Barnett helped in a charity fundraiser, the World's Greatest Shave, on Sunday.

West Australian Liberal Premier Colin Barnett says he is still in the game to win this Saturday's election, despite a new poll giving Labor an 11 per cent swing, enough to give it victory.

Mr Barnett said there werestill a large number of undecided voters which he put as high as one in five and, as a result, the Liberals were "still in this game".

"We are still in it," the Premier said.

Campaigning in Perth's working-class eastern suburbs on Sunday, Mr Barnett shook off suggestions it might have been wiser to concentrate his efforts in the city's northern suburbs to sandbag seats under threat from a barnstorming Labor.

A Galaxy poll published in The Sunday Times puts Labor ahead of the Liberals 54 to 46 per cent on a two party preferred basis. If uniform, it would deliver Labor 14 seats, more than the 10 it neededto seal victory on Saturday.

Mr Barnett said he was disappointed by the Galaxy poll result but, with plenty of chutzpah, he said the Liberals even had a strong chance for the seat of Midland, won by Labor by just 24 votes in 2013.

"[Liberal candidate Daniel Parasiliti] is running a fantastic campaign in Midland," Mr Barnett said.

"I reckon there'll be 12 people out there who will change and vote for you, Daniel, so he has a really strong chance."

Despite several polls pointing to a Labor victory, many analysts are unwilling to call the election because of the increasing number of voters who will choose minor parties, makingdetermining preference flows more difficult. Veteran political analyst David Black said it is the most difficult election to call in nearly 50 years.

Pauline Hanson will spend the week campaigning in Western Australiaand willtargetregional areas and seats on the Perth'sfringe.

The Liberalspreference deal with One Nation where One Nation will preference the Liberals ahead of Labor in the lower house has come at a cost, as two One Nation candidates vehemently opposed to the deal weredisendorsed while another quit over the issue last week.

Polls also suggest support for One Nation is not as high as it is in Queensland, with the Galaxy poll putting theparty's primary vote in WA at 9 per cent whileFairfax's ReachTEL pollput it at 8.5 per cent.

Mr Barnett said he had no regrets over the preference deal.

"That was an arrangement done by the Liberal Party," he said. "I support the decision they took. It doesn't in any way mean I support One Nation candidates or One Nation policies.

"The public of Western Australia is not fascinated by One Nation and preferences,they are not. They are interested in who will be their local member of parliament."

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten is expected to campaign in Perth this week, following on the heels of former prime minister Bob Hawke who campaigned in Perth over the weekend.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, whose first and only campaign visit a fortnight ago fell flat over a GST blunder,will not return to WA before Saturday's election.

Read more:
WA election: Colin Barnett says the Liberals can still win as polls tip a Labor victory - The Australian Financial Review

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