WA Liberals make fishing, school pledges – NEWS.com.au

The WA Liberals have committed $500,000 for five floating fishing platforms in the Swan and Canning Rivers if re-elected, and have also promised a specialist primary school program for gifted students.

Premier Colin Barnett said the platforms, which would be funded through the Recreational Fishing Initiative Fund, would be popular among young families and people with disabilities.

"We will also invest in the re-stocking of recreational fishing species, such as river prawns and mulloway, in the Swan and Canning Rivers as part of a $1 million commitment to build stocks of key recreational fish species in our rivers and oceans," Mr Barnett said.

"Recreational crabbing in the Peel Harvey estuary will also receive a boost from a re-elected Liberal led government with a commitment to buy out up to half of the 10 commercial crabbing licences operating in this important waterway."

The Liberals have also promised to expand specialist programs in some high schools and create a $5.8 million Primary Scholars Program at four schools to encourage excellence in science, technology and maths.

Mr Barnett said academically gifted primary school students would have access to education ranging from learning coding skills and robotics to advanced engineering.

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WA Liberals make fishing, school pledges - NEWS.com.au

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