Yes, liberals, please own the cons – Washington Examiner

When Roe v. Wade was overturned last Friday, a million hot takes like the following (by a Democratic consultant) hit the internet:

This is an attempt to own pro-life activists by saying: Here is the logical result of your court ruling. How do you like that, cons?!

You see this everywhere. Heres Hollywood actor Ken Olin with the same brilliant OWN:

Most pro-lifers would support all of the above. And so it has been with every single conservative Supreme Court ruling this summer. Prominent liberals who apparently have gone through their whole life never talking to a conservative who cares about abortion, gun rights, school choice, or religious liberty have threatened to give conservatives something they thought conservatives would hate.

Heres a liberal commentator calling for less casual sex to own the cons:

Moving to guns, check out this nakedly racist LA Times column, promoting a trope that I've never seen any real gun-rights advocate embrace.

Or this, by a liberal author with 290,000 Twitter followers.

That gem evoked the typical reply that any conservative knows to give:

Conservatives love school choice. And an Islamic school in Maine might be the most socially conservative and least-woke school in all of Maine. Were supposed to oppose state funding going toward such an institution?

My only objection is that the state, after this current ruling, would only provide this Muslim-school tuition to parents who lack a government-run school in their district. Why limit it there?

Then the libs did it again on Monday, when the Supreme Court ruled that prayer, like other speech, is protected. Here was a typical reaction, this one from a liberal outlet with nearly half a million followers.

So, wait do these people actually think Sam Alito and Amy Coney Barrett would hate the idea of Muslim coaches praying on their own after a football game?

Really, Really American?

Perhaps all of these commentators and operatives are really this ignorant. Perhaps they have never spoken to a pro-lifer about abortion and unwanted pregnancy, to a gun-rights activist about gun ownership, or to a school choice or religious-liberty champion about free exercise and school choice. The other possibility is that these public figures just enjoy stirring up hatred among their followers.

Neither explanation reflects well on any of them. And this, such as it is, is the inherent advantage that conservatives have in the culture wars. We are constantly exposed to the Left's views. They have been shoved down our throats for decades. We know and understand their arguments. Many on the Left are exposed only to caricatures of our views. They can't even conceive of the idea that there are other views.

We know our enemy better than they do.

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Yes, liberals, please own the cons - Washington Examiner

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