Your Opinion: Citing liberal sources about the ‘Big Lie’ – Jefferson City News Tribune

Wanda Roam

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

I find it humorous to read the liberal LTEs citing liberal resources that are promoting the "Big Lie" Joe Biden actually got more votes than Barack Obama to become the duly elected president. It is a never-ending argument of the liberals and the Donald Trump supporters.

If there were no real questions or anomalies associated with the election, there would not be forensic audits still taking place in the swing states where vote counting was mysteriously stopped almost simultaneously when President Trump was ahead.

Days later, president-elect Biden miraculously was announced the winner of all of these states. Where were all those extra votes found after hours? Things that make you go hmmm!

Truth has a way of rising to the top. The truth about the plandemic and where it was created by gain of function and funded by pompous Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and others will be found out. Eventually, this will be uncovered and crimes against humanity must be filed against them along with big pharma, enabling health care providers, politicians and the governors that forced COVID-19-positive elderly into the nursing homes to infect the healthy.

The goal was to create fear and a willingness to allow the government to take our rights and freedoms away from us to mandate lockdowns, masks and dangerous so-called vaccines. This allowed the liberals and some RINOS to unlawfully change the voting laws to allow the election mess that is still being disputed.

It's also humorous Hillary Clinton and Stacy Abrams never conceded their elections and the Democrats in DC blamed Hillary's loss on Russia, Russia, Russia, in a stolen election.

The truth will set us free, so let's get to the bottom of the COVID-19 virus, the 2020 election and the setup of a so-called "insurrection" with the infiltration of FBI agents and/or informants.

Isn't it convenient the Department of Justice doesn't know or won't say whether any agents were involved?

Bring Ray Epps and the other unindicted co-conspirators before congress for all the world to see and hear their testimony about their involvement. Show us all the videos Nancy Pelosi is hiding. Subpoena her devices to see why she refused to ask for additional security Jan. 6 after being requested to do so.

My how the worm has turned. Hypocrisy is on full display but how quickly the liberals forget their own words. Stop the lies!

Excerpt from:
Your Opinion: Citing liberal sources about the 'Big Lie' - Jefferson City News Tribune

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