A Poll to Check if You Believe in ‘Libertarian Capitalism’ – People’s Pundit Daily

The true test of libertarianism is Professor Bryan Caplansfamous 64-question quiz. Though if you dont have time for that many questions, theres also a very simple circle test.

Now we havea new pollfor those of us that are tempted by such things. I dont know who put it together, but I was intrigued by the four-axis approach.

8values is, in essence, a political quiz that attempts to assign percentages for eight different political values.You will be presented by a statement, and then you will answer with your opinion on the statement, from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree, with each answer slightly affecting your scores. At the end of the quiz, your answers will be compared to the maximum possible for each value, thus giving you a percentage. In addition to matching you to the eight values, the quiz also attempts to match you to a political ideology.

But before getting to results, I feel obliged to nitpick about the methodology.

Some of the questions dont make sense. Or, to be more specific, ones answers might be radically different depending on how the question is interpreted.

For instance, statists would probably answer strongly agree to this question about education, based on the assumption that government should spend more money, regardless ofdismal results.

I wound up picking neutral because I wantuniversal school choice, which would producebetter-than-adequate education, but I also dont like the notion that people have rights that are predicated on access to other peoples money.

I also didnt like this question on foreign policy. I like peaceful relations with other nations, but in some cases peace is more likely if the United States is strong. In other words, Reagans position of peace through strength.

Last but not least, I also answered neutral to this question about surveillance. I dont want pervasive spying by government on ordinary people (money laundering laws, for instance), but I also dont object to effective monitoring with proper judicial oversight of bad people.

Anyhow, with those caveats out of the way, here are my results.

The good news is that Im in the Libertarian Capitalism category. Though Im a bit chagrined that I only got 72.4% on the wealth-equality axis. Though maybe equality in this case captures my support for the rule of law and my opposition to cronyism. In which case Im happy.

I dont have any strong reaction to my scores on the might-peace and tradition-progress axes. But Im disappointed to only have 70 percent on the liberty-authority axis.

For what its worth, my overall score was the same in this quiz as it was forthe definitive political orientation test.

See the article here:
A Poll to Check if You Believe in 'Libertarian Capitalism' - People's Pundit Daily

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