Actually, Congress Most Certainly Is Allowed to Use Money to Pay … – Esquire

Haven't checked in with former libertarian love object Rand Paul for a while. I just assumed he'd moved to a tree house outside Kingston with a lovely view of what's left of the coal slurry tsunami, a tribute to the defeat of big government and its nanny-state regulatin'.

Thus, I missed this episode

While we're on the whole economics thing, the Federal Reserve on Wednesday announced that, no, it would not be hiking interest rates at this time. (It also announced that there will be two rate increases at some vague date in the future.) The announcement blew up the primary talking point that the GOP unlimbered when those glowing employment numbers came out. The GOP fanned out to warn Democrats against gloating and used the expected rise in interest rates to be the scary monster in the hall closet. (This, of course, while they were threatening to send the world economy to the bottom of the sea.) I think the Republicans should tell Horatio Bunce to shut his damn piehole. He's not doing them any favors.

Charles P Pierce is the author of four books, most recently Idiot America, and has been a working journalist since 1976. He lives near Boston and has three children.

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Actually, Congress Most Certainly Is Allowed to Use Money to Pay ... - Esquire

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