Comey, Assange, and Libertarian Purity Tests: The New Fifth Column – Reason (blog)

@GhutfvbjfdrgvcWhat's worse, anti-anti-Trumpism, or Kmele Foster singing James Taylor? Or is that just an Obamaesque false choice? These are just some of the questions explored in this week's edition of The Fifth Column podcast, also featuring myself and Michael C. Moynihan. We of course dive into President Donald Trump's firing of FBI Director Jim Comey, and the media reaction thereof, as well as the likelihood of Congress exerting oversight.

Also receiving extended examination is top U.S. law enforcement assertion that Julian Assange is not a "journalist," and the fundamental boringness of libertarians vociferously agreeing with one another. Receiving additional mentions: Augustus Sol Invictus, Reason commenters, Jamie Kirchick, Milo Yiannopoulos, and this great Reason TV video. Listen up:

Reminder: Kmele Foster will be debating Lawrence Ross at the SoHo Forum May 16 on whether America's colleges have fostered a racist environment that makes them a hostile space for black students. And as mentioned on the podcat, I'll be on HBO's Real Time With Bill Maher tomorrow night.

Get more Fifth Column at iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play,, @wethefifth, and Facebook.

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Comey, Assange, and Libertarian Purity Tests: The New Fifth Column - Reason (blog)

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