Hear from City of Tucson candidates – Arizona Daily Star

Voters in Tucson will choose a new mayor and three councilmembers this year.

As we did with the 2022 elections, our goal is to help voters get to know the candidates and where they stand on the main issues.

Starting today, we are running a series on the Opinion pages with candidates' responses to a questionnaire from the Star, along with basic biographical information to help you get to know the candidates.

Three candidates are running for mayor in the Aug. 1 primary election: Incumbent Mayor Regina Romero, a Democrat; Republican Janet "JL" Wittenbraker, and Libertarian Arthur Kerschen.

Another candidate, Ed Ackerley, is running as an independent and will be on the ballot for the Nov. 7 general election.

In Ward 1, three candidates are running: Incumbent Lane Santa Cruz, a Democrat; Republican Victoria Lem, and Democrat Miguel Ortega.

In Ward 2, four candidates are running: Incumbent Paul Cunningham, a Democrat; Democrat Lisa Nutt, Republican Ernie Shack, and Libertarian Pendleton Spicer.

In Ward 4, two candidates are running:Incumbent Nikki Lee, a Democrat, and Republican Ross Kaplowitch.

What you read is what they wrote and how they submitted their answers to us.

We want to help voters see how candidates compare with each other on specific issues.

In today's edition, the candidates discuss their top priority.

We kept our questions general so voters could see how they approach each issue.

We also compiled a list of resources voters will need as they navigate this election season, such as links to make sure you are registered to vote and key dates.

If you have any questions, contact us at staropinions@tucson.com.

We also want to hear from you, submit a letter to the editor or write an opinion piece at tucson.com/opinion.

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Hear from City of Tucson candidates - Arizona Daily Star

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