LETTER: Libertarian Party deserves coverage – International Falls Journal

Has anyone read the writing of President Grover Cleveland on his presidential statue across from the courthouse? It states "A truly American sentiment recognizes the dignity of labor and the fact that honor lies in honest toil."

He also was known for stating that government wasn't supposed to take care of the people, but that the people were supposed to take care of their government. Remember John F Kennedy's famous quote during his inauguration? "Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country."

What has happened in 120 years? Compare these fine Democrats with the Democratic Party we're stuck with today. The mentality seems to be "Let's see how many resources we can steal from the most productive and self-controlled households in America, so we can enable those whose lifestyle choices are 180 degrees opposite."

Sadly, our GOP choice of leadership doesn't really excite me either. There seems to be one more alternative. I wish the media could give more exposure to the Libertarian Party. I have some red flags, but like their thoughts on everyone taking responsibility for their actions, and no one should be required to subsidize me if I make wrong choices and vice versa.

Libertarian Party Minnesota

District 8 Chairman, state coordinator

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LETTER: Libertarian Party deserves coverage - International Falls Journal

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