Libertarian gov candidate plans Saturday visit to Cedar Falls

CEDAR FALLS | Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Lee Hieb is not just mounting a challenge against an incumbent and his Democratic challenger.

She also is running against taxes, regulation and the increasing burdens of government.

The reality is if you keep voting the same way, youre going to get the same results, which is government growth, said Hieb, adding that she has been a lifelong Republican until about a year ago when she came to the realization that neither major party would shrink government.

Hieb, 61, was selected as the partys gubernatorial candidate last month. She and her running mate Ryan Ketelsen will be bringing their message to Cedar Falls.

The meeting is open to the public and will be held from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Saturday at the Cedar Falls Public Library, 524 Main St.

The message they will share will not be confined to reducing taxes and regulations within the state border. Hieb said the message also will be about how the governor can play a role in reducing the role the federal government plays in the state.

Hieb, a physician in Lake City, said she repeatedly tried to get incumbent Gov. Terry Branstads attention during the state debate on whether to sign on to the Affordable Care Act.

In every way I could, I tried to get him not to do that, Hieb said. It will drag us down. It will drag us down economically so fast.

Aside from opposing the increased bureaucracy in health reform, Hieb opposes the education standard known as common core and a state income tax. As a rural Iowan, she also has a laundry list of burdensome regulations she has heard about from small business owners.

Overall, though, the policies have a common theme of reducing the size and scale of state government. Hieb said her family is fourth-generation Iowans and each generation has seen state government grow, which she says comes at the expense of the private sector.

Libertarian gov candidate plans Saturday visit to Cedar Falls

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