Libertarian Party of Wisconsin: To hold convention in April –

Ubet, WIThe Libertarian Party of Wisconsin (LPWI) will hold its annual convention the weekend of April 14th, 15th, and 16th, at the Potawatomi Casino and Resort in Milwaukee. The convention celebrates fifty years since the official founding of the party within the state.

The main annual business portion of the convention will begin that Saturday morning at eight oclock, April 15th. Members may pay dues that day to participate.

During the business session, the LPWI will address the usual party concerns, including the by-laws and constitution review and changes, platform amendments, and most importantly, electing its Executive Committee officers and delegates for the new two-year term.

The Libertarian Party of Wisconsin advocates a philosophy of do no harm to others, and steal from nobody, supporting the inherent right of individual and family consent, never threats or force, in public matters for the greater good. Besides supporting an end to nation-state conflict and a civil peace within them, the Libertarian Party philosophy includes the personal responsibility and self-accountability to aid and protect those who cannot help or defend themselves.

All members of the Libertarian Party must sign a pledge upon paying dues that states, I certify that I oppose the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals.

While it offers different packages for the weekend events, paid members in good standing may attend the Saturday business meeting at no cost. With the press and public welcome to observe, the LPWI will also simulcast the Saturday meeting on its website, To find out more about the LPWI or for more info on the convention, please visit the party website.

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Libertarian Party of Wisconsin: To hold convention in April -

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