NationStates | Libertarian

WA Delegate: The Amerikanisches Reich of ThinkPads (elected 37 days ago)

Founder: Whipjangle

BoardActivity History Admin

Visit a region where you can gain the benefit of a small group of like minded players, but with no other restrictions, where your rights end at the tip of the other guy's nose and where smaller government is better government, and no government may be best of all.

Embassies: Red Army of the USSR, Union of Socialist Soviet Republics, USSF, The Red Fleet, Comintern Intervention Forces, Kapitalist Paradise, Benevolent Capitalism, The Brotherhood, Libertarian Capitalist Zone 716, The Mystical Council, Peoples Federation of Qandaristan, Dill Country, and Neoreaction.

Tags: Social, Casual, Featured, Password, Conservative, Liberal, Libertarian, Medium, Founderless, and Serious.

Regional Power: Moderate

Libertarian contains 33 nations, the 346th most in the world.

Nations were ranked by World Census officials based on the number of natural phenomena attributed solely to the unknowable will of the gods.

As a region, libertarian is ranked 15,037th in the world for Most Primitive.


What part of choosing between two evils that are still evil do you not understand? None of it, apparently.

Stalin pursued a more anti-semitic policy after WW2 than he did before it, hence my point: Evil is evil, greater or lesser, it is still Evil.

Why choose evil? When we choose between two evils, the choice we make is still evil.

Hark at the sound of the collectivist statist! "I speak for everyone! Most people are okay with statism! I speak for all of you and not just me!"

And here we arrive at my very point of the problem, that you believe people's genes are flag-wrapped, and defines people's genes.

I repeat what I said:

Thank you for proving my point for me.

If most people weren't ok with Statism, it would have been overthrown long ago.

Milton Hayek

There is thing called generalization. If I'd say that everyone here opposed pedophilia, you'd not question that everyone would agree. At most I generalized too much when I said most people would agree with me. But apparently, using generalizations is the same as wanting to vote of whom we should rape before expropriating their property.

Don't be a dork. Of course chosing lesser evil is still evil, thats the whole f***ing point of chosing lesser evil. Only cowards will after choosing lesser evil claim they are choosing morally pure option. Because they are too cowardly to accept that sometimes harsh reality offers no clean solution. And only self-indulgent moral moralist will be paralysed with inaction rather that do something that can help to make the world better place now. What should Jews and others caught between Nazism ans Stalinism have done? Support latter (which does not want to exterminate them immediately) only until it becomes clear Stalinism will win, and then drop out of fight, stay undercover and maintain strength, while two evils bleed themselves dry, and prepare for resistance against victor. Supporting someone as long as it benefits you does not mean you agree with him or that ghe is your friend.

And again, why the hell you would think majority of people are not okay with statism, if even most of libertarians are okay with some limited statism.

Freise is ranked 1st in libertarian and 19,940th in the world for Most Beautiful Environments, with 162.5 Pounds of Wildlife less Pounds of Concrete per square mile.

Milton Hayek

Because, when I make statement about majority of people supporting statism (while not claiming that their view is correct due to its popularity), I am collectivist a**hole who baselessly claims to speak for everyone. But when you make a statement about majority of people hating statism, well, you just speak hard irreffutable facts.

If they think there's no alternative to what is governing them, they go to polling booth based on misplaced ideals, and become disillusioned with it, they are not bother to investigate whet the alternatives may be, don't care much if who they are voting for is evil or not, and become politically apathetic. They are ok with it enough not to do anything about it.

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