New Study Raises Old Idea To Lease The Ohio Turnpike – WVXU

A new studyfrom a libertarian think tankshows Ohio could get $2.9 billion dollars right now if it did something that former Gov. John Kasich wanted to do lease the Ohio Turnpike.In the end, the state issued bonds to repair and improve the turnpike and all of Ohios roads. But this study says leveraging the road now could provide the state with an infusion of cash when the state is trying to dig out of the economic problems associated with the pandemic.

The Reason Foundations studysays leasing the turnpike could yield almost $3 billion dollars.Author Robert Poole says other states are finding global companies and pension funds want to invest in them. He says that money couldhelpwhen the state cannot afford newinfrastructureand it couldensure stability for the turnpike itself.

That holds them to performance standards and has penalties if the pavement gets rough and they dont improve things properly. Typically, it has an annual limit on the toll rate increases.

The first company that leasedIndianasturnpike went bankrupt.But when it was leased again,thenew company paid far more, making everyone whole. Critics saythere could be problems ifcontrol of a valuable Ohio roadis givento an outside entity.

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New Study Raises Old Idea To Lease The Ohio Turnpike - WVXU

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