No Party Preference Voters Encouraged to Complete Presidential Primary Ballot Selection Postcards by the New Year – YubaNet

SACRAMENTO, CA December 11, 2019 Californiacounty elections offices across California are mailing postcards to every No Party Preference voter who is registered to vote-by-mail. These postcards are standard and provide voters with their presidential primary voting options.The American Independent, Democratic, and Libertarian parties are allowing No Party Preference voters to participate in theirMarch 3, 2020Presidential Primary Elections.In order to do so,No Party Preference voters should complete and return this postcard to select and receive a vote-by-mail ballot listing presidential candidates from one of these parties.

Voters are encouraged to return these postcards before the new year if possible, so that elections officials can process their requests in time for ballot printing and mailing.


TheMarch 3, 2020Presidential Primary is now less than 90 days away and voters should start preparing now, Secretary of State Alex Padilla. With the launch of a new How to vote for U.S. President website, direct mailings to voters, and social media campaigns, elections officials are working to educate and assist all eligible Californians. No Party Preference voters, in particular, need to know their options for requesting a ballot with presidential candidates, if they so choose. Voters registered with No Party Preference should be on the lookout for a postcard from your county elections office with options for voting in the presidential primary. Returning this postcard in a timely manner will make for a smoother experience for voters and elections officials alike.


No Party Preference voters who do not respond to this postcard will be mailed a ballot without any presidential candidates listed. If after receiving a non-partisan ballot a No Party Preference voters prefers to receive a crossover ballot, they can still request one from their county elections official by:

Voters also have the option of taking their non-partisan vote-by-mail ballot to their polling place (or any vote center in a Voters Choice Act County) and exchange it for a ballot with presidential candidates from the American Independent, Democratic, or Libertarian Party.


The Secretary of States office recently launched a new California voters options for voting for U.S. President in theMarch 3, 2020Presidential Primary.

NO PARTY PREFERENCE VOTERS WHO VOTE IN PERSON No Party Preference voters who vote at the polls, can ask the poll worker for a ballot with either American Independent, Democratic, or Libertarian Party presidential candidates when checking-in at a polling place.

VOTING IN THE GREEN, PEACE AND FREEDOM, OR REPUBLICAN PARTY PRIMARY No Party Preference voters who want to vote for a Green, Peace and Freedom, or Republican Parties presidential candidate, must first re-register with that specific party.

Voters can re-register online If a voter needs to re-registerafter February 17, 2020, a voter who wishes to re-register can do so in person at their polling place, any vote center (VCA counties only), or their county elections office.

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No Party Preference Voters Encouraged to Complete Presidential Primary Ballot Selection Postcards by the New Year - YubaNet

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