Our federal government is broken | Letters To The Editor | tdtnews.com – Temple Daily Telegram

I have talked to many of my friends and they feel the same way I feel. We are sick and tired of how our federal government currently operates.

It has been broken for a long time but we, the people, need to do something about it. It does not matter if you are Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian or other. If you love America, you should want to help.

I do not claim to have all the answers needed but I sincerely believe that establishing term limits on all branches of government would help. We have graft and corruption at every level and I think that could be helped some by term limits.

Will it fix all our problems? No, absolutely not! Will it help? Yes, I believe it is a good start.

If you agree with me, start spreading the word to your family and friends. Write your U.S. government representatives and senators to support this idea. Call them and tell them you support this idea.

Dont give up!

Never give up! We owe it to our children and grandchildren. More information to come. May God bless America!

Susan Slaughter


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Our federal government is broken | Letters To The Editor | tdtnews.com - Temple Daily Telegram

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