Schmidt: Perks of becoming a lifetime member of the party – Seguin Gazette-Enterprise

Last month during the Libertarian Party of Texas second quarterly State Legislative Executive Committee meeting, I became a lifetime member. Libertarian Party of Texas Treasurer Kate Prather said to every State Legislative Executive Committee member present during the treasurers report that when someone becomes a lifetime member to the state party, it helps out the party more. I quickly went onto my phone and donated $1,836 the official lifetime membership fee. During the treasurers reports question and answer session, I announced the Libertarian Party of Texas has another lifetime member in the books.

Interesting enough, its been a little over 10 years since I joined the Libertarian Party, and almost two years since I became a lifetime member of the national Libertarian Party which costs $1,500 as an early 50th birthday gift. I had the funds on me to become a lifetime member of Libertarian Party of Texas and I was one of many State Legislative Executive Committee members who voted for it when it was a business item back in August 2021.

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Nolan Schmidt is an independent filmmaker, and serves as Vice Chair for the Guadalupe County Libertarian Party.

Visit link:
Schmidt: Perks of becoming a lifetime member of the party - Seguin Gazette-Enterprise

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