Trump: Bannon’s More Of a Libertarian Than Anything Else – The Liberty Conservative

Despiterecent reports that White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon had been sidelined within the administration, it appears he may be winning back the Presidents favor.

In an interview with Bloomberg, Trump defendedBannon, describing him as a very decent guy who feels very strongly about the country and had received a bad rap from the media.

Trump also disputed the medias portrayalof Bannon as an alt-right figure, stating that he sees Bannon as alt-left, on the basis thatBannons more of a libertarian than anything else.

In response to reports of tensions between Bannon and Trumps son-in-law, Jared Kushner, Trump said,theyre getting along fine.

Trump went on todownplay reports that Bannon would be leavingthe White House, saying: Im very happy with our group. Were doing very well.

Bannon is said to have made an unlikely comeback within the White House, having reportedly beenbehind the Trump administrations recent criticisms of Canadas abuse of NAFTA, according toThe Hill.

Trumps characterization of Bannon as a libertarian is certainly unusual, given Bannons previousdismissalof the Cato Institute and Austrian economics.

However, it is not unheard of, with Bannon himself stating Im a big believer in a lot of libertarianism in a 2014 speechto the Human Dignity Institute. Bannon then went on to criticize the Ayn Rand or the Objectivist School of libertarian capitalism, which he considers a capitalism that really looks to make people commodities, and to objectify people, and to use them almost. This suggests that Bannon, if he is indeed a libertarian, perhaps has more of a paleolibertarian outlook, combining libertarianism with a deep-seated cultural conservatism.

Regardless of Bannons personal ideology, his anti-establishment outlook has made him an ally for libertarians who wish to see Trump adhere to his America First campaign platform, with Bannon reportedly pushingback against attempts by National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster to escalate U.S. involvement in Syria and by Kushner to keep the United States in the Paris climate agreement.

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Trump: Bannon's More Of a Libertarian Than Anything Else - The Liberty Conservative

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