Vote Today for Your Favorite Libertarian – ConservativeHQ

Cast your vote for your favorite Libertarianandas a bonus get a $100 discount on your ticket toFreedomFest.

Choose among your favorites in politics, business, the media, authors, and think tanks. Think of Ron Paul, John Stossel, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Steve Forbes and John Mackey.

In the survey, we suggest you choose five in each category. But actually, you can vote for as many people as you wish.

When you are finished, you can see instantly whos in the Top 50 so far.

The final list is going to be announcedat this yearsFreedomFest, the10th anniversaryof the annual event, and then published byNewsmaxmagazine with grand fanfare. Spread the word!

FreedomFestorganizers arealso planning a special photograph of the Top 50 Libertarians on Friday, July 21,right beforeWilliam Shatnerspeaks. You dont want to miss this historic event of all your great libertarian heroes.

Please consider taking this opportunity to vote for your favorite Libertarian AND earn a discount toFreedomFests10thanniversary extravaganza. After taking the survey, you will receive a $100 discount off the retail price ofFreedomFest. Or register at use code FS2017 for the $100 discount. You also can register by calling toll-free 1-855-850-3733, ext. 202 and talk to Amy, Karen or Jennifer.

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Vote Today for Your Favorite Libertarian - ConservativeHQ

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