What is the Libertarian plan for healthcare? Segment 2 | WWL – WWL First News

Our guest bill read path the Izzy former national libertarian national party immediate past treasurer currently the at large representative on the national committee to make it electric bill. He gets but I'm one of five that large reps not the only one but I. A connect so. Again a unit to space and we talked about the old. I'll come off its I got a text here. A bill that says the Libertarian Party is but he plan is basically every man for himself is is that which you guys are saying. No I don't think so it'll I think that. I mean do you do if its people are free do they sit by themselves alone all the time now. That is that is not decay but it is the voluntary system there's definitely going to be charity and voluntary system. I think that that you bite that we would increase the supply of healthcare I'd like to know why people who are up. Shall we say competent and not Smart enough to go to medical school. Why are they going to medical school in other there shouldn't be that we we ought to have more medical school in more training. Because we've got a shortage is my understanding in the future healthcare professionals. And and in the past there have been limits you know basically on the proper medical schools in and the number positions in medical school that ought not to be the case. I happen to note someone. Who scored in the ninth percentile. On the impact exam medical college admission test and is having trouble getting in the medical school now I don't know the full story behind. But but I know of instances where people finding it difficult to get into medical school would truly be regulated. System I think. Pick the anybody who is it is. Potentially competent enough to be a healthcare professional. Shouldn't have an opportunity to it to be trying to as we we certainly need. More positions and other medical personal going forward. So essentially would which are saying it is. All of this would be left up to the insurance companies to decide on pre existing conditions returning the etc. it's that are turning eight. Again I think that they're intact but I said earlier there were insurance development. That were happening in the private sector to proper people. In the future so depicted on insurance that the condition develop it could buy insurance at standard rates. And this sort of Spain was absolutely want. By the passage of the Affordable Care Act. In twenty tent and there are all sorts of development that could occur and I think would occur in a more cried it. Privately oriented medical marketplace that are not going to Kirk. Win again everything is being order from Washington according cup which is. And things of that nature. Millman asking this because some people are asking is well what exactly and and I know you guys are trying to get your message out to for the last election. Woods a Libertarian Party stand for or represent. It's a combination of conservative positions on economic issues and liberal positions on social issues but there is they were being. And that is we want to reduce the use of government co worker in society consequently we want to reduce government spending. Reduce taxation and have a real respect for civil liberties and that's. Big picture that's what we stand for. So that's basically along the lines we do show earlier this week that said. Most people most voters identified themselves as fiscally conservative and socially liberal. So that's kind of along the lines of which are saying I. It yet I would say though it doesn't seem to manifest itself that way ultimately end. Election results but I do you think that there is pretty significant. Percentage of the population Andy growing percentage of the population. That would agree with that. All right sold. Do you seize the Libertarian Party gaining ground now especially is what's happening in Washington with health care isn't that a good thing for you guys that we're having arguments. Well I think that it's. It's not just that I think it's a number of things right now including dissatisfaction with Donald Trump. As president dissatisfaction with Hillary Clinton as the other all party nominee for president. I think it's a number of things right now that the libertarian parties that number of registered voters across the United States people are registered as libertarians. Is growing. While it's absolutely shrieking for the Democrats and Republicans they'll certainly our voting system. Single member plurality voting single member legislative districts Corson with the most votes wins. Sabres two party system I mean that's that's our voting system but essentially propped up the Republican and democratic parties that we are making headway. And more and more people are. Calling themselves libertarians. I used to get a twenty point like yours ago I would beat the question all Ole hole like what's the libertarian. But I think that less and less these days because. The word is getting now as to what libertarians stand pork. And more and more people are are coming to think of themselves as libertarians registering to vote libertarian and getting people with the military and party. Bill read. Path is our guest from the libertarian national party and world go take a good tickle your mark on a cell phones got a question about healthcare it mark thanks for calling WL. Right. Court should era it is. And congress work out here why is that they don't include them fail. And and and health care beat out. If they that they cannot ruler word about it together I'll grow because there are. Bill you wanna take that you want me to answer them. Well. Well that it's not just health care I mean day excluded themselves. From many pieces of legislation. I don't know how many probably thousands of pieces of legislation over the years it has been common. Congress to exempt itself. From that law. And the Republicans have put something into the obamacare bill that would put them all along obamacare and we we talked about this earlier this week too when they got around that. So that's why they're not on there because the president had threatened to put the ball there and it's that's a whole another topic to give him two more but yeah they they basically exempted themselves with it. All right thanks for the call mark Skoda love Matty and Baton Rouge hey Matt thanks for collender VW. And dark our our Western Europe and Panama by the year. Why do we. Incher dropped me feel like it in on though and now they're human or given a money. But no reason. When you add up all the money there and that your market leader eliminate there and they're but it. Have more money on what went money come out torture goes directly or are there any Q curve where I mean we got a lot more popular than higher. There are new out there and Mario are. Well I I think. What has happened slowly but surely is that. Help keep your insurance. Has become less and less. Insurance as it is typically bought I mean if if we had insurance for catastrophic. Occurrences. Then. You concede the point. You know I current account your paying money to health insurance company and then they're turning around and get to the doctor well the thing is that people should be paying. And on trivial amount out of their own pockets I mean the third party payers are huge part of the financial system yet that medical financial system in the United States and in 1960. It was roughly 60%. Of medical care payments to seeing from into the will now that sounds something like 11%. Third party payment is gone from about 50%. To 90%. Over the last fifty to sixty years and I can see your point I think that we ought to get back to a situation. We're people are paying for their small healthcare needs and take on insurance for. Bigger. Payments situations catastrophic. Medical within its and and get back to a more traditional. Meaning the insurance in our medical system. All right locker you don't. All right thank. Thank thank you Matt thanks for intranet WWL 504260187. New York and Texas that 87870. Anderson Tex coming saying ditched the insurance middleman. Locker last caller saying. Here's that's his libertarian is and gave us things like child labored reversal polluted they actually caught on fire no thanks would use say if that bill. No IE that note I certainly libertarians. Forcible think we. Need to have a clean environment bat that he is simply not the case cost benefit analyses need to be applied but I can assure you that libertarians. Do not think that. We should you know abusing and fired at. But and with respect child labor laws libertarians are not proposing to do away with child. Late August so that a city and think man distinction of the past and I I don't know anybody associated to libertarians. Party whose boats back. Another Texas what's your screen classic liberal and libertarians and I think you you probably get that question a lot right. Opting not much tried and I carry lip. Well I mean you can digitally classical music classic between liberal and the retirees 00 okay that the term liberal used to mean libertarian yours ago you know. Our book for two today media classical liberals I'd say the difference between. Modern day liberals and libertarians. Really is in the economic world that libertarians are. Conservative on economic issues between paper free market and light and government spending and regulation. While liberals tend to. One. More regulation and not be so much and paper economic freedom. All right bill read had anything else you wanted to let us know about. Libertarian party's plans for the future. Well we're we got the best ballot access coming out of the Johnson will campaign last year we've now got ballot status and 37 states. Including Louisiana and people can but urged people find out more about the party enjoyed incumbent ball to our web site is guilty dot org. All right. Bill read path former national chairman of libertarian national party immediate past treasurer and currently one of the Allard represented on the national committee. Thanks much for taking time with us here on WW Olin talking about these issues. Todd thank you for having me thank you very much.

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What is the Libertarian plan for healthcare? Segment 2 | WWL - WWL First News

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