A Libyan Commander Says His Forces Have Taken Benghazi – New York Times

That administration, led by Prime Minister Fayez Serraj, has struggled to unite Libya, or even achieve control over Tripoli, since it was formed last year. It is opposed by another government, led by Islamists and other militia groups, that also claims authority over the divided Libyan capital.

Local media reported that a family of six was killed in the latest factional fighting near Tripolis only functioning airport this week.

General Hifter, at least, can claim unrivaled control over Benghazi, the main city in eastern Libya, where four Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, were killed by a mob in 2012. General Hifter has been battling Islamist militants, including the Islamic State, for control of Benghazi since 2014, and he now appears to have won.

Still, General Hifters forces have been accused of human rights abuses, and some critics accuse him of seeking to emulate the strongman rule of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, who was ousted and killed in a bloody uprising in 2011.

General Hifter has made little secret of his ambition to become a national leader in Libya. In a televised address about two weeks ago, he told tribal leaders that if Libyas conflict was not peacefully resolved by December, his forces would take action.

On Thursday, Libyans who oppose General Hifter seized on images from his latest address, showing him in a sparkling white uniform adorned with medals, and which bore a strong resemblance to images of Colonel Qaddafi while in power.

How can you say liberated when it fell into the hands of a new Qaddafi called Hifter? Aber Sabeel, a Twitter user, wrote about the events in Benghazi.

But General Hifter appears to enjoy broad support in the eastern part of the country, where after six years of turmoil Libyans crave stability. Last year his forces seized control of several of Libyas major oil terminals. Oil is the countrys primary source of wealth, and since the seizures, production has increased to almost one million barrels a day.

Nour Youssef reported from Cairo, and Declan Walsh from Doha, Qatar.

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A Libyan Commander Says His Forces Have Taken Benghazi - New York Times

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