After Chadian insurgents move from Libya to Chad, US embassy reiterates the need for a Libya free from foreign interference and in control of its…

By Sami Zaptia.

London, 15 April 2021:

The U.S. Embassy in Libya underscored in a statement yesterday the need for a unified Libya with control over its borders.

The statement came after the U.S. embassy in Chad issued a security alert on the back of media reports indicating movement of armed non-governmental groups into Chad from Libya and possible confrontations with the Chadian Army.

The media reports describe the area in northern Chad near the borders of Niger and Libya, particularly Wour and Zouarke.

The armed non-governmental groups was FACT (Front for Change and Concord inChad/ Front pour lalternance et la concorde au Tchad).

The U.S. Embassy in Libya said FACT insurgents recent entry to Chad from Libya again highlight the urgent need for a unified, stable Libya with control over its borders.

It added We will continue to engage Libyan and international stakeholders to support the political process culminating in December elections that will help consolidate a sovereign and secure Libya free from foreign interference in the interest of regional stability and the security of Libyas neighbours.

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After Chadian insurgents move from Libya to Chad, US embassy reiterates the need for a Libya free from foreign interference and in control of its...

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