Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt foreign ministers to hold tripartite meeting on Libyan crisis – Libyan Express

Tunisian Foreign Minister Khemaies Jhinaoui (C), Algerian Minister for Maghreb and Africa Affairs Abdel Kadir Mesahil (L) and Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry (R)

The foreign ministers of Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt will hold a tripartite meeting on Monday and Tuesday here to discuss the situation in Libya, an Algerian Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Sunday, Xinhua reported.

This meeting is also part of continuous consultations between Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt over the crisis hitting Libya since 2011, as foreign ministers of these three nations are due to assess the political and security developments there, the spokesperson, Abdelaziz Benali Cherif, said in a statement, Xinhua added.

The meeting aims to reinforce the political process in Libyaon the path towards sustainable peace and national reconciliation, the spokesperson said, according to Xinhua.

In May, Algeria hosted the 11th ministerial meeting of Libyas neighboring nations and the participants reiterated their support for a political settlement of the crisis, Xinhua said.

The meeting gathered representatives of the six neighboring nations of Libya Tunisia, Algeria, Niger, Chad, Sudan and Egypt and representatives of the United Nations (UN), the African Union, the Arab League and the European Union, Xinhua indicated.

The participants adopted a 26-point statement, encouraging Libyan protagonists to join the dialogue and peace process and reiterating their commitment to support Libyans to head towards national reconciliation in a bid to pave the way for building strong political, military and security institutions so as to safeguard the unity and integrity of Libya, Xinhua added.

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Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt foreign ministers to hold tripartite meeting on Libyan crisis - Libyan Express

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