Beida municipality claims it has received Libya’s first waste recycling plant | – Libya Herald

By Sami Zaptia.

Libya has struggled for decades with rubbish collection and recycling (Photo: Tripoli rubbish. From archives by Tom Westcott).

London, 5 February 2020:

The Municipality of Al-Beida claims that it has received Libyas first waste recycling plant, the eastern-based LANA state news agency reported Saturday.

The Municipality said this was part of the eastern based Libyan governments wider efforts to recycle waste in the eastern region and solve the ongoing problem of accumulated roadside waste.

Al-Beida Municipality reported that the recycling plant would be installed in the coming days next to it main garbage dump. It envisioned that it will contribute effectively and radically to the elimination of the phenomenon of garbage accumulation in the municipality and reduce its possible negative impact on citizens health.

It is worth recalling that there are efforts across Libyas political divide east and west to resolve Libyas perennial waste collection problem.

In July 2019, Libyas eastern based Prime Minister Abdalla Thinni discussed with the director of a German company specialized in garbage recycling and the production of electricity generated by garbage recycling a process mechanism for implementing such garbage recycling programmes in Libya.

The German company was reportedly invited to submit proposals on a BOT basis for the project through the eastern Ministry of Local Government.

Meanwhile, in western Libya various projects for waste collection/recycling were announced last year by Tajura, Sug Juma and the Municipality of Central Tripoli as well as the city of Misrata.

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See the article here:
Beida municipality claims it has received Libya's first waste recycling plant | - Libya Herald

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