Egyptian source: There’s security communication with leaders of Tripoli armed factions – The Libya Observer

Al-Araby Al-Jadeed website reported Egyptian sources tackling the situation in Libya as saying that there are positive signs that could lead to progress despite delayed elections, saying the Egyptian decision-making officials are conducting positive movements toward Libya.

The sources told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed that the biggest obstacle for Egypt in the Libyan crisis is the Turkish role that has always bothered Cairo.

The website said that another source said there are Egyptian efforts to infiltrate western Libya with large numbers of workers in coordination with the Government of National Unity, saying that the Ministry of Manpower started to announce a number of jobs in the Libyan government agencies in western Libya, which have been blocked to official Egyptian coordination for a long time since the outbreak of the revolution due to Egypts support for "eastern Libyan camp.

The source indicated that the Egyptian endeavor aims to prepare for the arrival of Egyptian companies to implement projects in western Libya, while Ankara is rushing to infiltrate "the eastern Libyan camp", on the political and economic levels, after high-level representatives of the parties in eastern Libya visited Turkey and met prominent officials in there.

The website pointed out that Cairo is carefully monitoring Turkish moves to strengthen its presence in eastern Libya, adding that the recent meetings that took place in Ankara between high-ranking figures from eastern Libya and Turkish officials touched upon the return of Turkish companies to the eastern region, in addition to ensuring maritime security for Turkish ships.

The source said that the Egyptian movements on the ground in western Libya aim to expedite the employment of Egyptian nationals in Libyan government agencies, in a way that paves the way for the return of Egyptian influence to those areas, noting that the committee concerned with following up on the Libyan file headed by the Undersecretary of the General Intelligence Service, Major General Ayman Badie, prepared a recent assessment of the status quo in the capital for the possibility of the official opening of the Egyptian embassy in Tripoli.

The source unveiled that the Egyptian efforts included recent communications at the security level between Egyptian officials and leaders of armed groups in western Libya, especially in the capital Tripoli, in addition to opening channels of communication with those leaders because, to the Egyptians, official communication with the interim Government of National Unity wasn't sufficient to secure the expected Egyptian presence in west Libya.

The Libyan Minister of Labor Ali Al-Abed announced last year the recruitment of more than one million Egyptian workers, who are set to arrive in the country in successive groups to work in the construction and bridges sector, with salaries that value at least 1500 dinars.

Read the original here:
Egyptian source: There's security communication with leaders of Tripoli armed factions - The Libya Observer

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