Exclusive: ICC chief prosecutor sends warning to Libyan strongman Haftar – The Interview – FRANCE 24

Issued on: 16/12/2019 - 19:43Modified: 16/12/2019 - 19:43

In an exclusive, wide-ranging interview with FRANCE 24, the International Criminal Court'sChief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda discussed the ICC's ongoing cases regarding Libya, Ivory Coast, the Palestinian Territories, Afghanistan, Myanmar and the Philippines.

Speaking to FRANCE 24 from The Hague, the ICC chief prosecutor warned Libyan Marshal Khalifa Haftar that she was monitoring his current offensive on Tripoli. She urged him to hand over one of his lieutenants, Mahmoud al-Werfalli, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court and whom Haftar recently promoted.

On the case against former Ivory Coast president Laurent Gbagbo, Bensouda expressed hope that appeals judges would overturn the acquittal granted by the court back in January. She stressed that she was also actively pursuing her investigation into possible crimes by current PresidentAlassaneOuattara's camp.

Bensouda told FRANCE 24 her preliminary probe into potential crimes in the Palestinian territories was nearing its conclusion. She admitted the court had been under pressure by the Trump administration to drop her probe into crimes in Afghanistan, including a ban on her travelling to the US.

She added that she had just recently been authorised by judges to open a probe into crimes against the Rohingya minority by the Myanmar authoritiesbut that it was too early to say if this would involvesenior Myanmar military chiefs.

Finally, Bensouda said her office was looking into crimes in the "war on drugs" in the Philippinesbut that it was not yet possible to say whether thiswould target President Rodrigo Duterte.

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Exclusive: ICC chief prosecutor sends warning to Libyan strongman Haftar - The Interview - FRANCE 24

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