Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Libya announces the official reopening of the British Embassy in Tripoli at the Queen’s Birthday Party – GOV.UK

Her Majesty the Queen has a historic and personal connection to Libya. The Queens second ever-state visit was to Tobruk, where she visited the War Cemetery commemorating British and Commonwealth soldiers who fought and died in North Africa in the Second World War. There she met Libyas former King, Idris, who invested upon Her the Order of Idris the First. This represented an important step in a vibrant and enduring relationship between our two countries.

At the first QBP in Libya since 2014, Her Majestys Ambassador to Libya, Caroline Hurndall, formally re-opened the British Embassy in Tripoli, which had been closed since that year. The reopening of the Embassy underlines the UKs continuing commitment to develop closer cooperation with Libya and to work with Libyans and the UN towards a durable political settlement for Libya.

Her Majestys Ambassador to Libya said:

Although the Embassy is based in Tripoli, this is a demonstration of our commitment to the whole of Libya. I am proud that our work touches the lives of Libyans across the whole country.

If Libya is to fulfil her political and economic potential, Libyas leaders must continue to implement the October Ceasefire Agreement, and work together to pursue compromise and cooperation. The people of Libya deserve this.

A wide range of guests attended including government officials, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, representatives of other embassies, and members of Libyas vibrant business and civic communities to celebrate The Queens Platinum Jubilee, the reopening of the British Embassy in Tripoli, and the work of the British Embassy throughout Libya.

HMA Caroline Hurndall raising the Union Flag

The British Embassy in Tripolis work across Libya includes:

Her Majestys Ambassador to Libya announcing the official reopening of the British Embassy in Tripoli, Libya.

Read Her Majestys Ambassador to Libyas speech.

The Queens Birthday Party is celebrated by British Embassies and High Commissions around the world.

Read more information on Her Majesty The Queens Platinum Jubilee.

Contact BritishEmbassy.Tripoli@fcdo.gov.uk.

Follow the British Embassy in Tripoli on Twitter,and Facebook.

Follow Her Majestys Ambassador on Twitter.

More here:
Her Majesty's Ambassador to Libya announces the official reopening of the British Embassy in Tripoli at the Queen's Birthday Party - GOV.UK

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