Is This The Shadiest Cargo Flight Ever? From Libya To Venezuela And Beyond… – One Mile at a Time

I could spend all day just tracking planes and never get bored, even just monitoring regularly scheduled flights. But this must be one of the most bizarre flights to ever operate, as noted on As we see the continued path of this flight, were getting a clearer picture of whats going on here.

Rada Airlines is a Belarusian cargo airline that operates a fleet of Soviet-built Ilyushin Il-62 aircraft. The airline exclusively operates cargo flights, and Id have to imagine that the carriers cargo services have only gotten even more unusual recent months, given the situation with Russia.

The Rada Il-62 with the registration code EW-505TR is operating quite the trip at the moment. The planes registration as such is blocked from most flight tracking sites (meaning you cant track the planes movements over months), though the individual flights can still be tracked.

So, where has this particular plane flown in recent days?

Can we go ahead and place our bets as to where this plane is headed next? My money is on Ahmedabad being a refueling stop, and this plane continues to Yangon, Myanmar (RGN), given the history of Belarusian cargo airlines shipping weapons to Myanmar.

By the way, while were talking about this plane, it has quite the history:

Also, while its not the exact tail number, check out the below video of a Rada Airlines Il-62 operating an extremely risky takeoff.

I cant even imagine whats going on with this particular cargo flight, and what has been transported on various segments. A few thoughts:

Collectively OMAAT readers know just about everything, so heres a question Im curious about, but dont have an answer to. I dont want to make too many assumptions here, but I just cant help but wonder when cargo planes operate trips like these, and its at least on some level suspicious, are there checks constantly carried out, or do officials just turn a blind eye?

Like, weve seen nonstop flights between Iran and Venezuela, and I can appreciate how no one on either end there is probably ruffling any feathers. But do authorities in Barbados, Mexico, Morocco, and India inspect these planes because theyre a bit more suspicious than your typical FedEx plane, or do they just mind their own business? And if they mind their own business, is it because snitches get stitches, or because theyre minding their own bu$ine$$?

A Belarusian cargo Il-62 is currently operating what must be one of the most suspicious and intriguing cargo flights weve ever seen. The plane flew from Tripoli to Bridgetown to Caracas to Mazatln to Caracas to Casablanca to Ahmedabad.

Assuming the plane flies to Myanmar next, there arent many questions about whats being carried on these segments (though Im sure those accusing me of creating a conspiracy theory will suggest that these are simply humanitarian flights for Myanmar, in the form of fresh avocados from Mexico).

What do we think is going on here? Am I the only one who finds this to be fascinating?

Originally posted here:
Is This The Shadiest Cargo Flight Ever? From Libya To Venezuela And Beyond... - One Mile at a Time

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