Libya ban – Times of Malta

Wednesday, February 15, 2017, 06:09 by

The directors of Equitrade Ltd, which distributes animal health, veterinary pharmaceuticals and horse requirement products, categorically deny the allegations made in the report Libya bans Maltese firms for smuggling (January 24).

Since then, we have, through our intermediary, asked the Libya Audit Bureau to provide us with any documents they have to substantiate the allegation published in the said article and Libyan Herald sources quoted.

When dealing with clients and the authorities, Equitrade Ltd has always been fully committed to the observance of best practices in the countries they dealt with.

The Times of Malta should have made an accurate investigation before making the allegations.

Editorial note: Equitrade Ltds name was included in a list issued by the Libyan Audit Bureau and reported by many mainstream news organisations in Libya, including the Libyan Herald. Before publishing the article, Times of Malta also sought the comments of a representative of Equitrade, which were included in the write-up.

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Libya ban - Times of Malta

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