Libya | Define Libya at

Contemporary Examples

Stevens, who spoke Arabic, took up his appointment as Ambassador to Libya in the Spring of this year.

The 65-year-old general, a former top Gaddafi-era military commander, has pledged to rid Libya of Islamist hard-liners.

Aisha Gaddafi fled Libya in August as opposition forces closed in on Tripoli.

Questions still persist about the attack of the American outpost in Benghazi, Libya, that took the lives of four Americans.

As Libya gears up for its parliamentary election in July, a battle roars on in an unexpected placethe schoolyard.

British Dictionary definitions for Libya Expand

a republic in N Africa, on the Mediterranean: became an Italian colony in 1912; divided after World War II into Tripolitania and Cyrenaica (under British administration) and Fezzan (under French); gained independence in 1951; monarchy overthrown by a military junta led by Colonel Gaddafi in 1969; Gaddafi's authoritarian regime overthrown in 2011 following a popular uprising. It consists almost wholly of desert and is a major exporter of oil. Official language: Arabic. Official religion: (Sunni) Muslim. Currency: Libyan dinar. Capital: Tripoli. Pop: 6 002 347 (2013 est). Area: 1 760 000 sq km (680 000 sq miles) Official name Al-Jumhuria al-Arabia al-Libya ash-Shabiya al-Ishtirakiya al-Uzma

Word Origin and History for Libya Expand

north African nation, an ancient name, attested in heiroglyphics from 2000 B.C.E., of unknown origin. In Greek use, sometimes meaning all of Africa. Related: Libyan.

Libya in Culture Expand

Nation in northern Africa on the Mediterranean Sea, bordered by Egypt to the east, Sudan to the southeast, Chad and Niger to the south, and Algeria and Tunisia to the west. Its capital and largest city is Tripoli.

Libya in the Bible Expand

the country of the Ludim (Gen. 10:13), Northern Africa, a large tract lying along the Mediterranean, to the west of Egypt (Acts 2:10). Cyrene was one of its five cities.

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