Libya military offensive in Benghazi prompts evacuations

TRIPOLI, Libya, Nov. 3 (UPI) -- Libya's National Army launched airstrikes Sunday against Islamist armed groups en route from Sirte to Benghazi, prompting evacuations.

A spokesman for Operation Dignity, Mohamed al-Hajezi, told the Libya Herald that a convoy was targeted, killing an unspecified number of militants, and destroying their weapons and vehicles. The strikes were launched east of Sirte between Wadi Harawa and Nawfliya. Hajezi said the attack was intended to deter anti-government forces from trying to enter Benghazi.

Since mid-October, 254 people have been killed by unrest in Benghazi, according the medical sources quoted by the online publication Buwabat al-Wasat.

Libya's Red Crescent evacuated staff and patients from the Jumhuriya maternity hospital, who were caught in the cross-hairs of fighting on Sunday.

The Libyan government has expressed support for Operation Dignity, a mission by pro-government forces loyal to former Gen. Khalifa Haftar to regain control of cities controlled by Islamist militias.

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Libya military offensive in Benghazi prompts evacuations

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