Libya peace talks may be doomed by meddling powers US

WASHINGTON - The United States has little faith in UN-backed peace talks in Libya because Middle Eastern countries are defying requests to end their war by proxy in the oil-rich North African nation, senior US officials said.

UN special Libya envoy Bernardino Leon last week called on the main factions to meet this Tuesday to initiate a dialog in a spirit of "objectivity and conciliation," but a time and place have still not been made public.

Despite months of American requests, the US officials said Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, all of which are US allies, continue to encourage local factions to fight instead of compromise.

"What is the objective? What is the plan for success here?" asked a senior American official who declined to be identified. "It seems quite clear that the more foreign countries get involved in Libya, the more unstable the situation becomes."

Egypt and the United Arab Emirates back the internationally recognized government led by Abdullah al-Thinni operating in the east. US officials say Qatar has supported Libya Dawn, which controls the capital Tripoli, but Qatar denies this.

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Libya peace talks may be doomed by meddling powers US

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