LIbya: UN Court urges justice for perpetrators of serious crimes

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New York, May 14 : Ensuring that there is no impunity for those alleged to have committed serious crimes in Libya is crucial to bring lasting peace to the country, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) stressed on Tuesday, as she lamented the slow progress to date in this vital aspect of the democratic transition.

"Individuals alleged to have committed serious crimes in Libya must be brought to justice either in Libya or at the International Criminal Court: this is not negotiable," Fatou Bensouda said in her briefing to the Security Council.

"Above all, we hope we can count on the cooperation of States in facilitating the smooth arrest and surrender of those against whom warrants will be issued," she added. "This is key for sending a clear message to would-be Libyan perpetrators and indeed all other would-be perpetrators that the international community is watching and will no longer allow impunity to reign unchecked."

The 15-member body referred the situation in Libya to the ICC in 2011, the year that the country embarked on a democratic transition following the ouster of Muammar al-Qadhafi.

The Prosecutor cited the need for the Government to immediately surrender Saif Al-Islam Qadhafi - the former leader's son, who has been indicted by the ICC in relation to attacks against protesters and rebels during the 2011 uprising - to the Court without further delay.

"National judicial proceedings can never be an excuse for failure to comply with the Chamber's order," she noted.

Bensouda also regretted that progress has been slow in the case of former senior intelligence official Abdullah Al-Senussi, who was also indicted for alleged crimes against humanity.

The ICC had decided that he could be tried in Libya by the national authorities.

"We urge the Government of Libya to ensure that the case against him is proceeded with without undue delay and with full respect for his due process rights," she stated.

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LIbya: UN Court urges justice for perpetrators of serious crimes

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