Libyan news agency reports warplanes strike western Libyan port

Published December 03, 2014

CAIRO Libya's official news agency says warplanes have struck the port of a western coastal city, a day after similar strikes killed eight people.

LANA reports that Zuwara port was bombed on Wednesday. Tuesday's airstrikes were carried out by the country's internationally recognized government, which has been meeting in eastern Libya since Islamist-led militias took control of the capital and formed their own government.

The strikes come as a U.N. mission in Libya attempts to promote political dialogue among the country's rival factions and bring peace to the tumultuous country.

The fighting Libya's worst since the 2011 ouster and killing of longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi has left the country with two rival governments and parliaments. It has displaced hundreds of thousands of people and driven out foreigners and diplomats.

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Libyan news agency reports warplanes strike western Libyan port

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