Migrant crisis: EU plan to strike Libya networks could …

A landing craft transports migrants back to HMS Bulwark after their rescue in the Mediterranean Sea. Photograph: Jason Florio/AFP/Getty Images

European plans for a military campaign to smash the migrant smuggling networks operating out of Libya include options for ground forces on Libyan territory.

The 19-page strategy paper for the mission, obtained by the Guardian, focuses on an air and naval campaign in the Mediterranean and in Libyan territorial waters, subject to United Nations blessing. But it adds that ground operations in Libya may also be needed to destroy the smugglers vessels and assets, such as fuel dumps.

A presence ashore might be envisaged if agreement was reached with relevant authorities, says the paper. The operation would require a broad range of air, maritime and land capabilities. These could include: intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; boarding teams; patrol units (air and maritime); amphibious assets; destruction air, land and sea, including special forces units.

Related: Libya's people smugglers: military action won't stop this multifaceted trade

Senior diplomats and officials in Brussels, speaking privately about the military planning, have consistently stressed that there would be no prospect of boots on the ground in Libya. Responding to the Guardians disclosures, Federica Mogherini, the EUs chief foreign and security policy coordinator, reiterated that position on Wednesday.

We are not planning in any possible way a military intervention in Libya, she said.

Related: EU draws up plans for military attacks on Libya targets to stop migrant boats

But EU governments have still to discuss and decide on the planning document. A joint session of EU foreign and defence ministers is to decide on the mission on Monday, followed the next day by a meeting of defence chiefs from EU countries. The military package would then need to be given a green light by heads of government at an EU summit next month.

Mogherini said she expected Mondays meeting to decide on the headquarters and command and control of the proposed mission. She sounded optimistic about a quick UN security council resolution allowing the use of force against the smugglers, but also made plain that if that proved impossible, the EU would still mount a military mission in the Mediterranean outside of Libyan territorial waters and airspace.

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Migrant crisis: EU plan to strike Libya networks could ...

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