NationStates | Libya

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Holy Christian Empire of Macedoine

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Welcome to Libya!

This region is a part of the Macedonian Empire,capital region of the empire is Macedonia.

Tags: Minuscule.

Libya is home to a single nation.

Civil Rights Economy Political Freedom Population Authoritarianism Average Income Average Income of Poor Average Income of Rich Averageness Black Market Business Subsidization Charmlessness Cheerfulness Compassion Compliance Corruption Crime Culture Death Rate Defense Forces Eco-Friendliness Economic Freedom Economic Output Employment Environmental Beauty Foreign Aid Freedom From Taxation Government Size Health Human Development Index Ideological Radicality Ignorance Inclusiveness Income Equality Industry: Arms Manufacturing Industry: Automobile Manufacturing Industry: Basket Weaving Industry: Beverage Sales Industry: Book Publishing Industry: Cheese Exports Industry: Furniture Restoration Industry: Gambling Industry: Information Technology Industry: Insurance Industry: Mining Industry: Pizza Delivery Industry: Retail Industry: Timber Woodchipping Industry: Trout Fishing Next: Influence Integrity Intelligence Law Enforcement Lifespan Niceness Nudity Obesity Pacifism Political Apathy Primitiveness Public Education Public Healthcare Public Transport Recreational Drug Use Religiousness Residency Rudeness Safety Scientific Advancement Sector: Agriculture Sector: Manufacturing Secularism Social Conservatism Taxation Tourism Wealth Gaps Weaponization Weather Welfare World Assembly Endorsements Youth Rebelliousness Go

The World Census conducted frenzied haggling with fishmongers in order to determine which nations have the largest fishing industries.

As a region, Libya is ranked 2,295th in the world for Largest Trout Fishing Sector.


Sunshine every day makes the desert

Hiya! Be seeing you! Just wandering...

Post by Swine flu suppressed by a moderator.

Post by Swine flu suppressed by a moderator.

A no fly zone in Libya is not worth the price.

Long Live Libya! Repel the invading Muslim radical terrorists and their international supporters!

I would like to announce myself as the revolutionary leader. The revolution begins now! Jamahiriya will reign in this region!

They shout Allahu Akbhar and cheer while Gaddafi was sodomized with a knife:

Grievously wounded Gaddafi subjected to excessive acts of sodomy accompanied by screams of "Allah is great":

How does Libya look now after Gadhafi?

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NationStates | Libya

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