News Roundup – Sun, Mar 19, 2017 – The Libya Observer

Misrata municipality condemned the Friday chants by the protesters in Tripoli saying they advocate for hatred, division and military rule. It also denounced the statement of the Presidential Council and blamed it for the current status quo in Libya because it did not apply the security preparations. It also condemned the attack on its office on Friday, saying it entirely rejects the military rule.

Study has been resumed on Sunday in Tripoli after the security situation in the capital has returned to normal, Ramadan Al-Ghadwi, the head of media office at the Education Ministry confirmed. Schools were shut down on last Wednesday and Thursday due to clashes.


Two fighters from Brigade 604 Infantry were injured by a land mine explosion when they were combing through the research farm area in Sirte. The two fighters were wounded in the hand by the IS-planted land mine, sources said, adding that they were sent to Misrata Central Hospital.


Fourth year of the Spring Carnival in Sokna town began on Friday under the slogan, "Unite to Express". About 20 civil societies from different Libyan districts partook in the carnival that is aimed at celebrating the coming of spring. The carnival will have some pottery works, jewels, gems, traditional food, popular medicines, hand-made objects and many more. The event will last for three days and will further include shows for horse-riding shows, popular sports activities and motorbike racing.


218 TV channel said its media crewmembers were arrested on Friday and then released on Saturday, saying that it appreciates the efforts that helped its staffers be freed in the last 24 hours, extending thanks to "the faithful from Tripoli residents." The channel did not mention who arrested its staffers.


Waha oilfield that feeds Essidra oil terminal has resumed production after 10 days of closure due to the clashes that took place at the oil crescent region. Waha Oil Company had to close the oilfield, which produces 75 thousand bpd due to the suspension of work at Essidra oil terminal.

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News Roundup - Sun, Mar 19, 2017 - The Libya Observer

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