News Roundup – Thu, Feb 23, 2017 – The Libya Observer





Libyan Mufti, Al-Sadiq Al-Gharyani, said whoever wants to strike an agreement among the Libyan factions must be fair, adding that the mediators who are trying to stabilize Libya currently are not serious in their efforts. The Mufti described the UN envoy to Libya as biased to one party over the others and the Skhirat agreement as a conspiracy that is dragging Libya into nothingness.


UNSMIL Head, Martin Kobler, said the Tunisian initiative, which aims at resolving Libyas crisis and bring consensus among all factions, is excellent. Kobler added, in a meeting with Tunisian Foreign Minister, that the initiative of the Tunisian President is acceptable to all Libyan parties.


The UN-proposed governments Local Governing Minister, Badad Gansu, urged the ministrys authorities not to travel abroad unless they have obtained a permit, warning Wednesday all mayors and other authorities that violating this new decision will have legal consequences.


Italy has sent two tons of medical aids to the Misrata Central Hospital. The aids arrived on Thursday in Misrata Airport.


Special Deterrent Force said it had arrested a thieves gang headed by Jebril Al-Dabea (A.K.A. Jebril Abiya). SDF wrote on Facebook Wednesday that the gang conducts armed robberies in Tripoli, especially against foreign workers.


Delegations from Zliten and Misrata agreed on Wednesday to reopen the coastal road after the withdrawal of all the armed forces of Misrata to outside Zlitens administrative borders and after they hand in the culprits to the Public Prosecution.


The Turkish IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation provided food aids for 700 displaced families from Benghazi in cooperation with the crisis committee at the Tripoli Municipality. IHH official told Anadolu Agency that they will launch a big relief campaign in southern Libya in the coming days.


Sabratha Municipality condemned the attack on its building on Wednesday by a brigade from the Interior Ministrys forces. It urged in a statement the citys national security department to work properly and make sure security prevails in Sabratha.


Sources from Shahat city said the former member of the General National Congress Fawzi Al-Oqab, and his companion, Khalid Al-Mukhtar, were released on Wednesday. The two were kidnapped in the beginning of February when they were returning from the farm of the High Council of States member Abdeljalil Al-Zahi in northern Shahat.

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News Roundup - Thu, Feb 23, 2017 - The Libya Observer

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