News Roundup – Wed, Apr 19, 2017 – The Libya Observer




Head of Arabian Gulf Oil Company's media office said international oil firms that work in Libya have started to return in the fields operated by the company after sincere efforts exerted in that regard and after the firms assessed the security of the area on the ground, which they found positive. He added that the step will boost oil output.


Head of the Presidential Council dismissed the Education Minister Mohammed Al-Azabi from his post and appointed Othman Abdeljalil in his place. The PC appointed Ayman Al-Gamati as a deputy minister days ago.


A workshop for training in creation of local companies by partnership with municipalities has started in Gharyan today and will end on Thursday under the supervision of International Republic Institute of Boosting Democracy.


The Head of the Presidential Council Fayez Al-Sirraj dismissed the defense minister of the UN-proposed government Mahdi Al-Barghathi from the post of the coordinator of communication with the UN sanctions committee, appointing the current Foreign Minister, Mohammed Sayala in his place.


Archaeological researchers gathering was held in Misalata city under the slogan "we meet to be elite" with several people from the field in Libya attending the event. The gathering aims at connecting the researchers together to exchange expertise so that they all can contribute to saving Libya's archaeological legacies and heritage.


Education Ministry of UN-proposed government urged education officials to form committees of specialists in psychology and religion to give lectures and support to students to avoid any tragedies amidst current popularity of Charlie Charlie game on social media.


Gunmen kidnapped the dean of Pharmacology Faculty at Sabha University Mustafa Al-Saghir while he was going back home on Tuesday. Reasons for kidnap and identities of kidnappers are still unknown.


Fuel and gas crisis committee said it had arrested several smugglers who smuggle cars from Libya to Sudan. It said on Facebook, Al-Waw brigade arrested the smugglers while on duty in support of the fuel and gas committee personnel. It also said that one of Nalut military council fighters suffered an injury they clashed with smugglers.


The Tunisian MP, Al-Munji Al-Harbawi, said his country's embassy in Libya will reopen soon in the coming days after he met with the Tunisian Prime Minister, Yousef Al-Sahhed, whom he said confirmed this step. Al-Sahhed also vowed to return the Tunisian kids detained in Libya (IS militants' children who were saved in Sirte and Sabratha by Libyan authorities.)


An official at the Libyan Interior Ministry said Libyan anglers found 28 bodies of immigrants, including 4 women, who apparently died of hunger and thirst after their boat broke down off Sabratha shores. They were buried in a migrants cemetery.

Continued here:
News Roundup - Wed, Apr 19, 2017 - The Libya Observer

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