News Roundup – Wed, Feb 01, 2017 – The Libya Observer




Tripoli-based Attorney Generals Office opened an investigation into the floating dock Gaza that started operating recently and was said to have cost the government 700 million dollars. Following orders from the Attorney Generals Office, Special Deterrent Force in Tripoli have started listing all those who were tied to the contract and implementation of the project.


The head of the fuel and gas crisis committee Milad Al-Hajrasi, said that security personnel arrested a number of gas cylinders distribution centers owners for selling the cylinders in the black market, which led to escalating the juncture. He added that the shortage has been contained as gas cylinders are available in all centers with the official pricing.


GECOL said that it is aiming at executing the Smart Meters project a pre-paid meters project so that it can improve the electricity network.


The Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency Directorate (TIKA) sent six tons of medicines and medicaments to Misrata Central Hospital. According to Anadolu News Agency, the medical aids went to Misrata hospital as it is treating the injured of the war on IS.


GECOL said that nine electric towers near Al-Fajij district 18 km away from Sabha were damaged by taking out the screws from the ground and keeping them baseless and liable to fall, which, if happened, would leave the southern region in utter darkness.


Due to deteriorated security and constant assaults on teachers, a number of Sabha schools suspended studies, commenting that they were obliged to do so because of gunshots exchange in students brawls.


Qasir Benghashir Mayor, Mohammed Ajaj, said five people were killed and other five were wounded in Tuesday clashes, adding that all the casualties were toting weapons and there were no civilians involved. He also said that the clashes were between an armed group appointed to secure the Aviation Academy and a number of the areas residents, saying the issue is due to be resolved.


Libyan Relief Association distributed food baskets for 800 displaced families from Sirte in eastern Libya in coordination with the social affairs offices, municipal councils, and Libya Red Crescent in Ajdabiya.


The UN-proposed governments Foreign Minister, Mohammed Sayala, said in a televised interview that Donald Trumps ban on seven Muslim-majority countries to travel to the US as unjust, adding that the order should be reconsidered as it is discriminatory and a violation of human rights.


The member of Sirte crisis committee, Mohammed Al-Ameel, said the Libyan Doctor Association for Humanitarian Services Overseas (Germany branch) sent a cargo of medical equipment and devices to Ibn Sina Hospital in Sirte. He added that the container that arrived in Misrata port included 25 beds and medical mattresses, three surgery refrigerators, 10 medical beds for newborns, and 25 tables for medical services and other services.

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News Roundup - Wed, Feb 01, 2017 - The Libya Observer

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