Release of three Libyans detained in Saudi Arabia denied – The Libya Observer

Sources close to the Libyan detainees in Saudi Arabia claim that news on social networking pages about the release of the three Libyans held by the Saudi authorities is nothing but rumor.

Local media released news described as coming from people close to the three detainees reporting that the Libyans are still in detention without any charges against them, calling on the official authorities in Libya to place their case for release as urgent.

Saudi authorities arrested three Libyans, two of them being leaders of revolutionary units that are registered under the police force in Zawiya while performing the Umrah religious journey to Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

The two leaders are first lieutenants in the police, Mahmoud Bin Rajab, who is commander of the Central Security Battalion in Zawiya and Captain Mohammed Hussein. Sources had stated earlier that the arrest came on the basis of a list submitted by the Libyan Interior Ministry without specifying from which government, but it is becoming more obvious with time that the Ministry of Interior in Tripoli could well be behind the list which was sent by Saudi authorities causing the two arrests.

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Release of three Libyans detained in Saudi Arabia denied - The Libya Observer

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