Situation in Libya – International Criminal Court

'; } //blue box var blueBox = item[a].Title_Ln6; // check the number of webparts on the page var recordsTitle = 'Court Records'; var selRecordsTitle = 'Selected Records'; var transcriptsTitle = 'Transcripts'; var newsTitle = 'News'; var decisionsTitle = 'Decisions'; var recordsCode = ''; var decisionsCode = ''; var selrecordsCode = ''; var transcriptsCode = ''; var newsCode = ''; if (window.location.href.indexOf('ln=fr') > -1) { situationSummary = item[a].SituationSummaryFR; nameSituation = item[a].Situation_Name_Colloquial_FR.Term_FR; typeSituation = item[a].Phase_of_Situation_FR.Term_FR; situationContent = item[a].SituationDescriptionFR; phaseProcedure = item[a].Phase_of_PE_FR.Term_FR; lang = '&ln=fr'; recordsTitle = 'Documents publics'; selRecordsTitle = 'Slection de documents'; transcriptsTitle = 'Transcriptions'; newsTitle = 'Nouvelles'; decisionsTitle = 'Dcisions'; victimsTitle = 'Informations pour les victimes'; } //conditions for the blue box if (blueBox.indexOf('Records') > -1) { recordsCode = '


' + phaseProcedure + '

' + fullName + '

' + sitCode + '

' + typeSituation + '

' + statsNumbers[g] + '

' + statsWords[g] + '

' + videoCode + blueBoxCode + situationSummary + chamberContainer + victimsInfoButtonContainer + otpGlobalCode + situationContent + '

' + chamber + '

' + judges + '

Situation in Libya - International Criminal Court

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