Stability in Libya crucial for neighbours’ security – Malta Today – MaltaToday

Much effort is being invested in the EUs military intervention in international waters off the coast of Libyaaimed atbreaking the business model of human trafficking by smugglers

Minister Carmelo Abela (left) with the EU's High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, and other officials at the conference

Unfortunately thereremainsa great level of instability in Libya, since the Government of National Accord is still not completely exercising its effective authority, he said. Aside from being an essential pre-condition for the welfare of the Libyan population and the resurgence of the Libyan economy, stability in Libya is also fundamental for its neighbours security.

The conference was organised in Malta by the Maltese Presidencyof the Council of the EU.

Abelasaid thatthe EU had acted with determination to counter the instability in its proximity by engaging with affected countries by means of CSDP missions.

At the same timethe EUs mechanism for peacekeeping also included a raft of measures whereby it analysed its crisis response tools,and constantly refined and updated them.

With respect to Libya, CSDP action is conducted by an EU Border Assistance Mission to Libya (EUBAM Libya),in which Maltahasparticipated.

Currently,much effort is also being invested in the EUs military intervention in international waters off the coast of Libyaaimed atbreaking the business model of human trafficking by smugglers, known as EUNAVFOR MED- Operation Sophia, in which Malta actively participates.

The CSDPcan act to provide direct benefits to crisis areas as well as visibility for the EU at the external level, especially in its immediate neighbourhood, Abela said. The CSDPprovisions enable the Union to take a leading role in peacekeeping operations, in conflict prevention and in the strengthening of international security.

The minister alsoreferredtotheEU Global Strategy set out in 2016,aimed at further stimulating the CSDPprocess and exploiting innovative approaches to countering crises and threats.

Work was still ongoing in terms of re-assessing internal mechanisms to ensure these are improved and strengthened, while also trying to deepen relations with existing partners such as the UN and NATO to act together with more effect in crisis areas where they are present.

I am confident that,if the EU continues its goodwork internally and with othersit will consolidate its strengthsand manage to go far towards more stability and peace, Abela said.

The list of speakers at the conference included the EUs High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, FedericaMogherini.

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Stability in Libya crucial for neighbours' security - Malta Today - MaltaToday

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