Total blackout hits western region of Libya – The Libya Observer

The western region plunged into total blackout on Friday, the General Electricity Company (GECOL) reported, adding that work is underway to restore the electric grid.

GECOL sources said the blackout affected the region from Sirte in central Libya to Ras Ajdir near the border with Tunisia. Fezzan region in southwestern Libya was also affected.

The blackout started at 6:00 am. It ended at 4:00 pm in some cities, while power is yet to be restored to others.

GECOL said the blackout was due to a fault in Khomis power station, which resulted in the loss of 225 MW, bringing the entire western region to total darkness as an extremeheatwave continues to sweep across the region with temperature reaching 46 C in Tripoli on Friday.

GECOL it is going through critical situations due to overloads, which obliged the company to schedule load shedding. But certain cities and towns refused to endure power cuts with armed attacks on power control rooms.

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Total blackout hits western region of Libya - The Libya Observer

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